In a little over three hours we took Will and Hillary to trick or treat, welcomed little goblins at our door, visited a friend, and attended a fall party at church. We are all exhausted but they were so sweet had to share the pictures...
Our continuously faithful and patient Baxter turns 9 years old this month. He has gone through two moves and had two children added to his life in the past seven years. He still enjoys a good game of fetch but equally enjoys naptime when no one is pulling on his ears or jumping around his bed. We had party hats and blowers in his honor --despite the above picture he hated the hat and Hillary cried everytime Will blew his blower....
Hillary is 6 months now. She is starting fruits and veggies, can ride in the shopping cart with her basket cover (and not the carrier), and can go to the gym! She also has Daddy wrapped around her finger-but it did not take 6 months for that...
Will's World-a funny look in to the mind of our little man
I have been looking for fabric swim diapers for Hillary. I was updating Kevin on my search when Will added, "Can't Momo (Mrs.Allen) find them?" I replied it is not something for her to do. Will said, "Why not, she is the one that goes to all the stores?"
When watching a famous recent news clip, Will asked, "Did Santa see that man throw a shoe at the President?"
After a hot day at Sea World, we decided to go swimming at the hotel. Will decided he could be Shamu and Kevin could be the "man whale" (trainer)
Will in his new batman costume- Wow! Are you off to save the world? (Will) No, my daddy said I can not go outside yet.
(Will pretending to go to and come home from work) Mom, I brought home snack! (We tell him Kevin goes to work to bring on the bacon:) )
(Will looking at Hillary's headband/bow and places it over one of her eyes) Oh! Look! She is a pirate!
(mom)Will, why are you standing on the bed? (Will) Because I have these legs