Friday, May 28, 2010

Visit to Nashville

We had a great visit with Sally, Grace and Grant and made a few fun stops on the way home!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Finishing up PreK

This has been an incredible year of development for Will. He has gone from barely printing his name to full sentences, basic addition/subtraction, and reading! He continues to be more reserved and quiet however he has great confidence in himself (Bike without training wheels video to come soon)and truly established some special friendships this year. The pictures include his program,teachers, and special friends (the one with all boys is "The bros"-they named themselves early in the year and have a special handshake!)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Will took Mom to school with him on Thursday. He has been working very hard at school to write and illustrate a book about his mom. He read his book by himself to his entire class and all of his classmate's moms. He did a great job and mom was very proud!

First Performance

Hillary had her end of year program this week at school, it was a two part demonstration in music and spanish. She sang every note, knew every word, and was thrilled to have an audience. On that same note, she started a short dance class this week and is VERY excited about her leotard. We are certain this is only a small glimpse of her love to "put on a show"....